Contorno (outline) de section

  • “课程中关于管理培训师的任务和所需技能的信息让我对管理控制师的工作有了一个全新的了解。这个课程为我以后的工作提供了一个很好的指导。"
    "The information about the duties and skill requirement of controller has enabled me to have a new understanding of the controller job. The course provides me a good guidance for future work."

    “这个课程让我对管理控制有了一个系统的了解, 使我能够为我以前的工作做一个清晰的总结。这对我帮助很大。"
    "The training course has given me a systematic overview on controlling, so that I can make a clear summary of my own work in the past. It is very helpful for me."

    “通过这个课程的学习,我对管理控制和管理控制师有了系统的认识。尤其是管理控制的四窗原则给我留下很深的印象。 课堂讨论中关于如何通过管理控制发现问题,并且对症下药地解决问题令我印象深刻。"
    "Through the seminar, I have got a systematic understanding of what is controlling and controller. Especially the principle of four windows was very impressive for me. I was very impressed by the discussion about how to discover problems through controlling, and how to work out the 'prescription' solving the problems."

    "Discussion in small groups and case studies did not only mobilize everyone to take part in the training session enthusiastically, but also provided the opportunity to exchange ideas and discussion among the participants."

    "Case studies and exchange among the participants from different companies in the training session were very helpful for me."

    “用图表来解释概念做的非常好. 它使学员对于概念有了更直观的了解。"
    "Using graphics for explaining the concepts was well done. It enabled the students to have a more intuitive understanding of the concepts."