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  • Corporate Performance One GmbH 是一家位于德国慕尼黑的管理咨询和培训公司,专注于帮助客户企业改善内部管理控制和提升企业绩效水平。

    公司由黄震博士于2019年年初创立。黄震博士在德国和中国从事企业绩效提升和管理控制方面的咨询、培训和企业一线实战管理工作已有数十年。在2003年独立开业之前,他曾在领先的国际企业管理顾问公司,比如罗兰贝格战略咨询顾问公司和德国的Horváth和合伙人管理顾问公司等工作, 后者是德语国家企业管控课题领域领先的咨询顾问公司。2012至2018年间,黄震博士曾是上海德谌企业管理咨询公司的创始人和首席合伙人、首席管理咨询顾问和管理培训师,为不同行业的企业提供咨询和培训服务。

    黄震博士是国际管理控制师协会ICV会员,也是获得德国CA 管理控制学院认证的中国CA五阶梯管理控制和管理控制师培训课程的培训师。

    Corporate Performance One GmbH is a Munich-based management consulting and training company specializing on controlling and business performance improvement for client companies. 

    The firm was founded by Dr. Zhen Huang at beginning of 2019, who has been working as consultant, trainer and front-line practical manager in the field of controlling and performance improvement in Germany and China for many decades. Before Dr Huang set up his own business in 2003, he had worked for leading international consultancies, such as Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, and Horváth & Partners Management Consultants which is one of the leading consultancies in German-speaking countries specializing on controlling and performance management. Between 2012 and 2018, Dr. Huang was the funding and majority shareholder, managing partner, chief management consultant and trainer at Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd.. 

    Dr. Huang is member of International Association of Controllers (ICV), and he is the trainer of the 5-Stages Training Program for Controlling & Controller in China certified by CA Controller Akademie in Germany.