
  • 公开课开班计划和价目表中所显示的培训费价格,是税前价格,涵盖下列服务 | All training prices listed in our latest public course schedule and price list are net price before VAT or other taxes and cover following services:

    • 培训师提供的培训服务 | Training services provided by the trainer
    • 用开班语言提供的培训资料 | Training materials in the language of the seminar
    • 培训场地和相关培训设备 | Training room and the relevant equipment
    • 线下培训课的培训费还涵盖每天的午餐和两次茶歇 | Training fee of offline course also covers lunch and two tea/coffee breaks on each course day.

    与线下培训相关的所有差旅费用由学员自己承担。| All travel expenses related to offline training are born by the students themselves.

    请关注下列链接中关于我司付款通知单/发票的说明。| Please pay attention to the information about our payment advice/invoice below.