网站说明 | Imprint
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本网站域名(的所有者以及本网站内容的开发和维护方是 | The owner of the web domain "" and the content developer & maintainance service provider of this website is
Corporate Performance One GmbH
Selma-Lagerlöf-Strasse 116, 81829 München/Munich, Deutschland/Germany | 塞尔玛-拉格勒夫-大街 116号,邮编81829,慕尼黑,德国
Amtsgericht München/District Court Munichh, HRB246110 | 公司注册法院为慕尼黑地方法院,注册号 HRB246110
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director: 黄震博士 | Dr. Zhen Huang
Email 邮箱:
Company Website 公司网址
本网站托管在 MoodleCloud 中,该公众云由澳大利亚公司 Moodle Pty Ltd 提供。Moodle 是世界上最可定制、最值得信赖的网上学习解决方案,使教育工作者能够改善我们的世界。| This website is hosted in MoodleCloud, which is a public cloud provided by the Australian company Moodle Pty Ltd. Moodle is the world’s most customisable and trusted eLearning solution that empowers educators to improve our world.
Viimeksi muutettu: torstaina 6. helmikuuta 2025, 20.12