תקציר יחידת-הוראה

  • 公开课 | Public Seminar

    培训时长根据开班方式有所不同,有两种选择 | The duration of training is depending on the type of scheduled course. There are two options:  

    • 选择1:线上培训(直播网课)| Option 1: Online Training (Live Webinar)
      线上网课分10次完成,每次2.5小时(其中包括两次各十分钟的茶歇),安排在北京时间下午14:30 - 17:00,或德国时间上午8:30 - 11:00。| Online training consists of 10 webinar sessions, while each session lasts 2.5 hours (including two tea-breaks á 10 minutes) and is scheduled between 14:30 - 17:00 Beijing Time or between 8:30 - 11:00 German Time.
    • 选择2:线下培训 | Option 2:  Offline Training
      线下培训每次连续3天,每天9点至17点。| A 3-full-day course which lasts from 9 to 17 o’clock on each training day. 

    请关注最新开班计划了解可选开班方式和培训时长 | Please check the latest course schedule for available course types and course duration. 

    内训班 | In-house Training

    培训时长和时间安排可以量身定制 | Customizing of training duration and time schedule is possible.