Section outline

  • 2024年第四季度公开课开班计划已经公布,请点击下列链接下载相关PDF文件。如有任何问题,请联系我们以了解更多信息。


    Public seminar schedule for 2024 Q4 has been published here. Please click the following link for downloading the relevant PDF file. If you have any question, please contact us for more information.

    2025 public seminar schedule will be announced here too. Please stay tuned!

  • 请您在报名参加公开课培训前仔细阅读“报名者须知”, 以及我方关于数据保护的声明。| Please read carefully the “Notes for Applicants” and our “Data Protection Statement”, before you start to register for our public seminars.

  • 请手机扫描下列二维码,或者点击这里进行网上报名。|  Please use your mobile phone to scan the following QR-Code or click here for quick enrollment.

    QR Code for Public Seminar Enrolment

    请关注下列链接中的说明。|  Please pay attention to the information below.

  • 公开课开班计划和价目表中所显示的培训费价格,是税前价格,涵盖下列服务 | All training prices listed in our latest public course schedule and price list are net price before VAT or other taxes and cover following services:

    • 培训师提供的培训服务 | Training services provided by the trainer
    • 用开班语言提供的培训资料 | Training materials in the language of the seminar
    • 培训场地和相关培训设备 | Training room and the relevant equipment
    • 线下培训课的培训费还涵盖每天的午餐和两次茶歇 | Training fee of offline course also covers lunch and two tea/coffee breaks on each course day.

    与线下培训相关的所有差旅费用由学员自己承担。| All travel expenses related to offline training are born by the students themselves.

    请关注下列链接中关于我司付款通知单/发票的说明。| Please pay attention to the information about our payment advice/invoice below.

  • 除非有其他约定,报名学员应最晚在开班前第三个工作日,选择下列支付渠道支付应付的培训费 | Unless otherwise agreed, participants should pay the course fee payable by the following payment channels no later than the 3rd working day before the start of the course:

    渠道 1:银行转账 | Channel 1: Bank transfer

    请通过您所在公司或者您个人的银行账号向我司银行账号转账支付培训费:| Please pay the training fee by transferring the amount to our bank account through your company or your personal bank account: 

    收款人名称 | Beneficiary Name:Corporate Performance One GmbH
    银行名称 | Bank Name: Postbank
    国际银行账号编码( IBAN)|  IBAN: DE16 76010085 0121450853
    SWIFT编码/银行识别码 (BIC) | SWIFT Code / Bank Identifier (BIC): PBNKDEFF

    请在备注栏中提供您的姓名以及您收到的我司付款通知单/发票的编号。| Please provide your name and the number of the payment advice/invoice you received from us in your payment remark.  

    渠道 2:支付宝支付 | Channel 2: Alipay payment

    如果您手机上拥有支付宝App,那么您可以用手机支付宝App扫描下列支付宝二维码付款,请务必点击“添加备注”按钮提供您的姓名以及您收到的我司付款通知单/发票编号。| If you have the Alipay app on your mobile phone, you can use the Alipay app to scan the following Alipay QR code to pay. Please do not forget to click on the "Add Notes" button and provide your name and the payment advice/invoice number you received from us.Alipay QR Code 


  • 如果您想取消报名,请注意下列规定:

    • 如果您在计划开班日期前10个工作日或者更早取消报名,那么您无需承担任何费用。
    • 如果在计划开班日期前10至5个工作日内(含第5个工作日)取消报名,我们将向您收取原定应收培训费的50%作为取消报名费。
    • 如果在计划开班日期前不满5个工作日内取消报名,我们将向您收取原定应收培训费的80%作为取消报名费。
    • 如果您委派其他同事代替您来参加培训,那么您无需支付取消报名费。 

    如果培训课由于我方原因不能如期开班,我们最晚会在原定开班日期前第3个工作日通知您。您可以选择要求参加我方下一个或其他公开研讨班, 或者要求我们立即全额退回您已经支付的培训费。

    If you wish to cancel your course registration, please note the following:

    • If you cancel your registration 10 working days or more before the scheduled start date, you will not be liable for any fees.
    • If you cancel your registration between 10 and 5 working days before the scheduled start date, we will charge you 50% of the original training fee as a cancellation fee.
    • If you cancel your registration less than 5 working days before the scheduled start date, we will charge you 80% of the original training fee as a cancellation fee.
    • If you appoint another colleague to attend the training on your behalf, we will not charge any cancellation fee. 

    If the course must be cancelled due to our reasons, we will notify you at least three working days before the original scheduled start date. You may choose to request attendance at the next or alternative public course provided by us or ask us to immediately refund the full amount of the training fee you have paid.