Amlinelliad o'r pwnc

  • 不用担心即将到来的报表机器人:成为一名成功的沟通专家和领导身边不可或缺的对话伙伴

    Don't worry about the coming reporting robot: Become a successful communicator and irreplaceable business partner to your management!


    Taking management reporting as an example, the Stage 4 Seminar is focusing on the topic of communication which is critical to the success of controlling practice, explains the S-U-C-C-E-S-S rules for professional business communication, and introduces some relevant practical skills. Participants will also deepen their understanding of the mindset and attitude a good controller should have based on the role play in a simulated case of project controlling.

    内容提要 | Content Outline

    • 企业组织发展进程中的管理控制师 | Controlling and Organizational Development

    • 项目的管理控制 | Project Controlling

    • 企业变革的全方位思维和行动 | HolisticThinking and Acting for Change

    • 接收者为导向的管控报表编制及其实用提示 | User-Oriented Reporting and Practical Hints for Controller’s Charts and Tables

    • 战略导向的企业绩效管理和报表工作 | Strategy-Aligned Performance Management and Reporting

    • 部门间的沟通和合作 | Communication and Co-operation

    • 团队合作和管理控制师的领导素质 | Team Work and Leadership Competences of Controller