Atalaren laburpena

  • 请注意:以下是公开课的内容概要。企业内训的内容可以量身定制,请联系我们。| Please notice that the content outline listed below applies for public course only. For in-house training, please contact us for content customization.

    A.    管理控制的基本理念 | The Basic Ideas of Controlling

    • 管理控制的基本含义 | The basic meaning of controlling
    • 经理人和管控师的角色定位 | The role of manager and controller
    • 管理控制对企业战略、业务流程和财务表现的的一体化视野 | Integral view of controlling on business strategy, business processes, and financial performance
    • 管理控制和企业盈亏提升计划 | Controlling and Profitability Improvement Program (PIP)

    B.    管理控制企业的成本 | Controlling Business Costs

    • 理解企业成本和企业成本魔方 | Understanding business costs and the cube of business costs
      o    企业成本测算体系 | Business costing system
      o    企业成本魔方 | The cube of business costs
    • 管理控制直接成本(“产品成本”)| Controlling the direct costs (“product costs”) 
      o    “产品成本”的构成  | The building blocks of the “product costs” 
      o    产品成本管控的主要关注点 | Main focus of product cost controlling
    • 管理控制间接成本(“结构成本/间接费用”)| Controlling the indirect costs (“structural costs/overhead”)
      o    “STROKO”: 结构成本管理的几点建议 | The “STRUKO” way: practitioner’s tips for overhead management
      o    如何计划并优化成本中心费用 | How to plan and optimize cost center costs 

    C.    通过销售管理控制促进企业增长 | More Growth Through Sales Controlling

    • “企业的增长空间”: CEO和销售经理们的视野 | „Room to Grow“: The perspective of CEO and sales manager
    • 销售管理控制的要点和手段 | Selected issues and instruments of sales controlling
      o    利用销售流程信息改善销售预测 | Improving sales forecast using sales pipeline information
      o    销售边际贡献分析支持销售决策优化 | Better decision based on contribution margin analysis

    D.    营运资金的管理控制 | Controlling Of Working Capital

    • 企业流动性的重要性及其测量 | Importance and measurement of business liquidity
    • 企业现金循环及其对营运资金的影响 | Cash cycle of business and its impact on working capital
    • 营运资金管控的主要关注点 | Working capital controlling: the major focus fields
      o    应收账款管理控制 | Account Receivable Controlling
      o    应付账款管理控制 | Account Payable Controlling
      o    业务库存管理控制 | Operating Inventory Controlling

    E.    固定资产和其他投资项目的管理控制 | Controlling Capital Expenditures & Other Investments

    • 固定资产和其它投资项目 | Capital expenditure (Capex) & other investment projects
    • 常见的投资评估方法 | Common methods for investment appraisal

    F.    用管控指标测量和管理企业绩效 | Measuring and Managing Business Performance Based on Controlling Ratios

    • 对外财务报表及其常见财务绩效指标 | External financial reporting and common financial ratios
    • 对内财务绩效和非财务绩效指标体系 | Internal financial and non-financial performance ratios
    • 在5分钟之内编制您自己的“平衡记分卡”| Developing your own “Balanced Scorecard” in 5 minutes