非财经理财务管控培训 | Finance & Controlling for Non-Financial Managers
每一个业务决定都会影响财务绩效 | Each Business Decision Has A Financial Impact
每一位经理人都是管控师 | Every Manager Is A Controller
通过改进管控提升业务和财务绩效 | Improve Business and Finance Performance Through Better Controlling
- 快速学习企业中常用的财务和管控的基本理念和术语,
- 了解自身的业务决策对公司财务绩效的影响,
- 熟悉最重要的管控方法和工具,并知道如何使用它们来提高业务的盈利能力和流动性,
- 知道如何使用相同的语言与企业财务和管控专业人士以及其他利益相关者(如投资者和银行等)成功合作。
This crash course aims to give non-financial managers and professionals the opportunity to
- get a quick overview on basic ideas and terminology of finance & controlling commonly used in businesses,
- be aware of the impact of own business decisions on financial performance of the company,
- be familiar with the most important controlling methods and tools and know how to use them for improving business profitability and liquidity,
- know how to speak the same language and work successfully in team with finance & controlling professionals and other stakeholders, such as investors and banks.
非财务背景的企业经理和其他专业人士 | Business managers and other professionals without financial background.
请注意:以下是公开课的内容概要。企业内训的内容可以量身定制,请联系我们。| Please notice that the content outline listed below applies for public course only. For in-house training, please contact us for content customization.
A. 了解财务和管控的基本理念 | Unterstanding the Basic Ideas of Finance & Controlling
- 管理和控制的基本含义 | The basic meaning of management & controlling
- 非财经理和财务人士之间的合作 | Teamwork between non-financial manager and financial professional
- 损益、资产负债和现金流的基本概念|Basic concept of Profilt & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow
- 业务决策及其对实现企业财务目标的影响 | Business decisions and their impact on financial performance
- 管理控制和企业盈利提升计划(PIP)| Controlling and Profitability Improvement Program (PIP)
B. 管控企业成本 | Controlling Business Costs
- 理解企业成本 | Understanding business costs
- 企业成本测算体系 | Business costing system
- 企业成本魔方 | The cube of business costs
- 管理控制直接成本(“产品成本”)| Controlling the direct costs (“product costs”)
- “产品成本”的构成 | The building blocks of the “product costs”
- 产品成本管控的主要关注点 | Main focus of product cost controlling
- 管理控制间接成本(“结构成本/间接费用”)| Controlling the indirect costs (“structural costs/overhead”)
- “STROKO”: 结构成本管理的几点建议 | The “STRUKO” way: practitioner’s tips for overhead management
- 如何计划并优化成本中心费用 | How to plan and optimize cost center costs
C. 通过销售管控促进企业增长 | More Growth Through Sales Controlling
- 销售管理和控制的主要课题 | Major topics of sales management & controlling
- 量本利分析和销售决策|Break-Even-Analysis for sales decisions
- 多维度的销售边际贡献分析与企业商务智能 (BI) | Multi-dimensional sales contribution margin analysis and Business Intelligence (BI)
- 销售价格和销售政策 | Sales pricing and sales policies
D. 管控企业营运资金 | Controlling Working Capital
- 营运资金的含义和重要性 |Meaning and importance of working capital
- 企业现金循环及其对营运资金的影响 | Cash cycle of business and its impact on working capital
- 如何通过业务流程优化营运资金 | How to optimize working capital through improved business processes
- 从客户订单到现金回笼 | Order-To-Cash
- 从外购下单到欠款支付| Purchase-To-Pay
- 从生产预测到订单交付 | Forecast-To-Fulfill
E. 管控固定资产和其他投资 | Controlling Fixed Assets & Other Investments
- 固定资产投资和其它投资项目 | Capital expenditures (Capex) & other investment projects
- 常见的投资评估方法 | Common methods for investment appraisal
F. 用管控指标测量和管理企业绩效 | Measuring and Managing Business Performance Based on Controlling Ratios
- 对外财务报表及其常见财务绩效指标 | External financial reporting and common financial ratios
- 对内财务绩效和非财务绩效指标体系 | Internal financial and non-financial performance ratios
- 在5分钟之内编制您自己的“平衡记分卡”| Developing your own “Balanced Scorecard” in 5 minutes
公开课 | Public Seminar
本课程有线下和线上两种培训形式,请见下图所示。| There are both Offline and Online training formats available for this training program, which are briefly described in the following chart.
培训方式 | Formats
线下 | Offline
线上 | Online
培训场所 | Training Location 1)
线下课堂 | Physical classroom
直播网课 | Live webinar
培训时长 |Training Duration 2)
3个整天 | 3 full days
7个半天 | 7 x 0.5 Days
电子版学员手册 | Electronic Student Book
有 | Yes
有 | Yes
纸质版学员手册 | Printed Student Book
有 | Yes
无 | No
可访问网上课堂培训资料 | Access to Materials in Online Training Room 3)
有 | Yes
有 | Yes
1) 线上直播网课通过微软 TEAM 软件完成,学员将在开班前通过邮件得到相关网上链接。| Live online courses will normally be delivered through Microsoft TEAM. Trainees will receive relevant online link via email prior to the course.
2) 线下课堂每天上课时间通常上午9点开始,下午5点结束。线上直播网课是采取7个半天的形式还是其他形式进行,以及在哪个具体时间段进行,请关注最新公开课开班计划中提供的信息。| Offline course usually start at 9 am and end at 5 pm. Whether a live online course is held in the form of 7 half-days or in other format, and in which concrete time slot the online sessions will be held, are defined in our Latest Public Course Schedule.
3) 线上和线上班级的学员都将成为我方网上课堂用户,请关注我方“报名者须知”相关规定。| Trainees in both online and offline cources will become users of our Online Training Room. Please pay attention to the relevant information in our "Notes for Applicants".
内训班 | In-house Training
培训时长和时间安排可以量身定制 | Customizing of training duration and time schedule is possible.
- 培训师课堂演示 | Trainer instruction
- 自己动手做练习和分析案例 | Do-It-Yourself (DIY) exercises and business cases
- 企业(包括学员企业)实例讨论 | Discussion about real business examples (including examples in the company of the participants)
- 小组讨论和互动 | Small group interaction and discussion
公开课 | Public Seminar
中文或英文。请关注我方最新开班计划。| Chinese or English. Please pay attention to our latest course schedule.
企业内训 | In-house Training
可以按照企业需求量身定制。| Customizing according to requirements of clients.
请关注我方最新开班计划。| Please pay attention to our latest course schedule.